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Smart HealthCare System

MDK System

Research/Sports Research

[]Muscle oxygen and hemoglobin, Smo2&tHb,

엠디케이(MDK) 2023. 5. 31. 18:52

[]Muscle oxygen and hemoglobin, Smo2&tHb,


Smart SmO2 Sensors
Tracks your muscle oxygen(SmO2%) in real time with sensor.
Our smart app translates this muscle data into key featires to guide athletes to improve their performance.

 - Muscle Oxygen Sesors
 - Muscle Oxygen monitoring

To contract muscles during exercise need energy.

This energy comes from breaking down ATP(Adenosine Tri-Phosphate).

The most effficient pathways in creating ATP(Adenosine Tri-Phosphate), required oxygen.



Body cell has a consant need for oxygen. 

To cope with this constant demand for oxygen, an adequates wupply in needed through circulation.


Breath in, oxygen binds to the hemo component of hemoglobin in your red blood cells.

This bright red substance is transferred to your tissue to supply their needs.


During exercise, the need for oxygen becomes bigger.



 - How can we measure inside the body ?

Optical oximetry and near infrared spectroscopy(NIRS), we can assess the oxygenation status and hemodynamics in muscle.

Infrared light passess through numan tissue without you feeling of damaging anything, it is comparable with shining a falshlight through your fingertip.

Using difference wevelengths, the relative changes in hemoglobin concentration can be measured and visualized continuously.



 - Muscle States

It is classifying data from your muscle into 5 states. 

1. Recovering 

2. Working at a light inensity

3. Working at a moderate but sustainable effort

4. Mainly working anaerobic

5. Load rising

 - Sensor Position

Muscle oxygen in the lower body

1. Quadriceps

2. Hamstrings

3. Calf Muscles


Measuring muscle oxygen in the upper body

1. Forearms

2. Trapezius

3. Biceps

4. Triceps

5. Lats

  - Software program(Android) - Movie Data





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