[신체활동모니터링센서]스마트 신체활동 모니터링 센서, 초소형 휴대용 센서, Activity Monitoring Sensor, Fibion
Smart Physical Activity Monitoring Sensor !
The Professional Sitting and Activity Analysis !
The first physical activity analysis product targeted from the beginning for health and fitness professionals. It is accurate and easy to use in connection with professional consultation meetings.
ACTIVITY WITH A SINGLE DEVICE Fibion provides considerable advantages compared to other research solution as it can accurately measure both sitting, standing and different intensities of activity.
Give something back for those who make your research happen. Visual, understandable and professional reports can be printed automatically for the research participants.
Device can be worn with several attachment methods to suit the specific needs of different circumstances and environmental conditions.
1. Against the thigh using Fibion Leg Strap
- Leg Strap provides a comfortable and convenient way to wear the device as leg strap stays well in place
- High-intensity sporting activities, thanks to its elasticity, 8 cm width and 5 silicone stripes.
2. Against the thigh using Waterproof Medical Grade Adhesive Covering (not included in the package)
- For continuous wear, Device can be waterproofed and then medical grade adhesive (e.g. 3M Tegaderm) can be used to attach the device on the thigh.
- This provides 3-10 days of continuous wear (subject to daily check), allowing the wearer also to shower without the need to remove the Fibion device.
3. In the front pocket of trousers using Fibion Pocket Pouch
- Device can be also worn in the front pocket of the trousers providing very convenient measurements of awake time daily activities. Fibion Pocket Pouch is designed to protect the device and prevent extraneous movement inside the pocket.
• Colour: White
• Weight: 20 g
• Device dimensions [L x W x T ]: 30 x 32 x 10 mm
• Operating time (fully charged): 20-30 days
• Charge time: 2 hrs
• Battery: Lithium polymer (rechargeable)
• Battery low / charge indicator
• Micro USB connector for data upload and device charging
• Internal sampling frequency: 12.5 Hz
• Measurement data: CSV-file of activity type durations and minute-by-minute activity-specific energy expenditures
• Report data that can be sent to the participants as as a link or a PDF-file
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